Existential crisis

Suhail Khan
2 min readJul 15, 2021

A few years back when I had just started to think for myself and think about life in general I came across a thought …..

“does it matter? All this chaos…..”

Its been a journey to come to a conclusion, well conclusion at least for now.

To understand what I am going to say you need to zoom out.

You need to accept that you my reader are insignificant on grander scale of the things.

You need to accept the fact that you are no special than any other planet on this planet.

And this planet is small rock floating in vastness of nothingness, and you happened to be a member of one of the many species that exists on this rock.


Its very common that we tie down the word life to mere human existence but isn’t life everything that exists? isn’t life universe per say?

You and I are nothing special in this whole grand universe, rather we are a integral part of this grand existence. We are if anything a insignificant piece in this universe.

As far as we know the current working scientific model suggests that our universe billions of years from now is going to die. our universe will seize to exist.

When you absorb all this information isn’t it obvious that whatever I do in this probably insignificant “life” over my probably insignificant lifetime does not really matter?

Dramatic looking picture for no reason at all.

There was something very interesting I came across while watching Loki TV series the female Loki who is essentially a time traveler hides herself in apocalypses. She does that because whatever she does before an apocalypse does not matter and there are no consequences to whatever she does in that space and time because it’s all going to burn down to ashes in sometime.

When you think of it now aren’t we living in this grand apocalypse of sorts?

In that case whatever I do doesn’t matter right? doesn’t that mean you and I are utterly insignificant?

Now we have this conclusion that our life is insignificant on grander scale of things. lets say this can be considered as the objective truth for now.

Now what you make of this objective truth is going to be completely subjective.

You can either take your life per se( Not endorsing any kind off self harm) or decide to live it forward nevertheless because you now know that nothing you do is not going to matter anyway.

I personally choose the second option, I decided to live on. Because it does not matter.

